
Samer (Sam) Hatem is a seasoned data scientist with a track record of transforming businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 200 giants.

With over 5 years in the field, his portfolio spans hedge funds, fintech lenders, and CPG sectors. His passion to translate shareholder vision into technical solutions, identify core business problems, and simplify complex systems has led to his persistent impacts and substantial ROI contributions over the years.

As the backbone of startups, he laid foundational data infrastructures, setting the standards and building blocks for scalable data science teams. Elevated as a domain lead in a leading Fortune 200, he steered a proficient team of data scientists, data engineers, and MLEs. Their collective efforts in developing dynamic models, automating manual processes, and delivering statistical insights have reclaimed thousands of hours and generated millions in both revenues and cost savings.

Samer attended the University of California, Berkeley where his research specialized in the discovery of potential superconducting materials, he was also the first to simultaneously obtain degrees in both Data Science and Physics. Samer’s interests include finance, reading, and long walks with his Shiba Inu.

Current Location

Austin, TX